Saturday 6 February 2010

Detox Days 5 and 6

On my last day of fasting I had one last colema and the result of that is pictured at right. Not pretty but I'm happy it's out of me and flushed away!

Days 5 and 6 have been good days in that I get to eat again! Raw veggies and fruits that is. I find that after fasting for 4 days, I feel really full with little food. I had a banana and some papaya in the morning and felt as if I had eaten Thanksgiving dinner. In the afternoon I ate Som Tam (Green papaya salad) which is a typical Thai dish, available at practically every corner. A nice side effect of the detox program is how much weight you lose. I weighed in this morning at 80 Kilos and started this adventure at 88 Kilos. I've lost 8 Kilos and it shows. People have commented on how different I look, especially my face. And I feel stronger, lighter and happier. I'm glad I did it.

Wednesday 3 February 2010

Detox Day 4

This morning I remembered to bring my camera to the detox center and took some shots of what came out, for you viewing pleasure. It's unfortunate today is my last day, as I think there's still lots of mucoid plaque build-up in the intestines that would come out if I kept going.

Shell, at Atsumi Healing Center, told me that in general, if you detox once or twice a year, you are doing well. In between sessions, you should eat plenty of raw veggies and fuit, stay away from processed food, alcohol and cigarettes, and do plenty of exercise, drink lots of water, and well, you've heard it all before.

The products that make the plaque come out are Psyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay. You mix one part clay and two parts husk and mix them with lots of water and drink several times a day. Without doing this, the plaque won't come out. But if you don't do the colonic irrigations as well, then it can be a very painful and slow process.

Detox Day 3

I would not have imagined that after two days of not eating food I would not be hungry. But after I saw what came out of my body during the colema, I just couldn't think about food. I was astonished. I will post a photo soon, but the description should be enough to make people think about the detox. It was a long, greenish, slimy thing, about 1 meter long. How can I have lived all these year with that inside?

In the afternoon, I went to the gym, where I work, and many people commented on my improved looks. I am slimmer and look healthier. In less than a week since I started this effort (3 days of raw food and 3 days of no food) I am a new person. I even feel stronger, more energetic. It's amazing!

Monday 1 February 2010

Detox Day 2

Last night I took my white pill, the pro-biotic before sleep. I noticed I had lots of energy and was awake until 11 pm writing sms and doing stuff. Unless I go to the fights, I usually am in bed by 9pm.

This morning I had the colema (colonic irrigation) at 9:45 and you would not believe what came out. It really was astonishing, almost 1 meter of what looked like a brown slimy tube-like thing. Shell tells me its the mucoid plaque. I feel lighter and cleaner after that! Wonder what will come out this afternoon, in my second colema. In the full fast program you do 2 colonic irrigations daily and take lots of herbal nutrition tablets and other tablets and drink lots of stuff so I don't feel hungry yet.

This morning I weighed in and had lost .6 Kilos more... yippee!

More to come later....